Sammi Howitt-Smith
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Thank you is not enough. Globally and in the country you have dedicated your whole life to helping women to over come Fistulas, an injury that is caused during childbirth. Many women are left with shame and banished to the outskirts of their communities and socially isolated due to the stigma attached with this condition, which is treatable and preventable. Thank you Dr Hamlin for dedicating your life to 2 million people living with Fistulas through your surgeries, education and empowering people to use their voices to help others and creating a sense of inclusion in their communities. Visiting your practice in which you’ve provided free health care for Ethiopian women for 60 years was truely remarkable experience I will never forget. Talking to women who were affected by this was inspiring and humbling moment. Thank you for teaching us all what serving others for the greater good looks like. Thank you for making enormous differences in people’s lives and for giving women living with the condition the dignity, kindness and sense of hope in their future they deserved. Your legacy and your human kindness is unforgettable.
Rest In Peace Dr Catherine Hamlin.